TumenNET logo UNDP/Global Environment Facility - Tumen River Strategic Action Program.
A Northeast Asian Strategic Action Program to protect Transboundary Biodiversity and International Water Resources and to attract Green Investment.
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  • Executive Summary

    Great variety of biogeographic, socio-economic and other conditions are concentrated in the TumenNet Project Area, mainly in Tumen River Area and the adjacent territories. Two Ecoregions of the world significance for biodiversity conservation are recognized in the discussed area:

    · Mixed (broad-leaved and coniferous) broad-leaved forests of the Far East,

    · Daurian Steppe.

    Here in Tumen River Area and the adjacent territories, the last representative for the Northeast Asia native broad-leaved and coniferous forests, which are the most important habitats of tiger, leopard and other species of Manchzurian flora and fauna, are left. Wetland ecosystems of the TumenNet Project Area have the key location in the East Asian flyway.

    · Daurian steppe is one of the largest steppe ecosystems left in the steppe and forest-steppe belt of Eurasia;

    · The most part of the remained native forests and wetland ecosystems are located on the territory of Russian Federation;

    · The most part of the steppe and forest-steppe ecosystems as well as the major part of wetlands are located on the territory of Mongolia.

    In the TumenNet Project Area, there is a long-term tendency of the important for biodiversity conservation ecosystems’ loss. Over the last 150 years, the long-term tendency of the natural ecosystems’ area loss as well as deterioration of the quality structure takes place in the regarded territory at various rates. At the same time, within each national territory there is a specific set of threats to ecosystem biodiversity, which forms negative ecosystem loss and transformation tendencies.

    The duration and scale of the existing tendencies within the detailed objects of analysis presumes the following:

    · High probability of further ecosystem degradation and habitats loss within the Tumen River Area Development Program at new stage of economic activity and load on the ecosystems;

    · Necessity of fundamental changes in the system of land/nature management vs. conducting a series of nature protective measures (In other words, just conservation of today’s condition and tendencies in nature management and ecosystem development does not guarantee conservation and, accordingly, conservation of the whole related biodiversity complex);

    · Necessity of serious changes in the system of land/nature management not only in Tumen River Area and Daurian steppe, but also in the whole region.

    At negative tendencies occurrence, the most dangerous threats for biodiversity of the regarded territories will relate to the following loss in the ecosystem structure and area:

    · Final fragmentation of Chernye Gory ecosystems and loss of its liaison with the ecosystems of Sikhote-Alin and Southern part of Eastern Manchzurian mountains (massif Changbai);

    · Loss of areas occupied by important for biodiversity ecosystems in Southwestern Primorye (SWP), Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture and Northern Hamgyong (slightly or non-transformed broad-leaved and coniferous forests, wetlands (including coastal) and deterioration of the ecosystems’ quality structure;

    · Reduction of the area occupied by ecosystems of Daurian steppe: mountain forest-steppe, forests, wetlands;

    · Aggravation of the natural aridization processes in Daurian Steppe Ecoregion as a result of irrational nature management.

    Main Threats Defining Loss of Important Habitats and Ecosystems:

    Russian Federation - SWP: fires, poaching (including by Chinese citizens), crisis of deer farming (important component of the tiger’s and leopard’s food resource), poor infrastructure, and “wild” recreation.

    · Russian Federation - Daurian Steppe: fires, poaching, irrational farming, aridization of climate;

    · China - Yanbian Autonomous Perfecture: farming (loss of wetlands), felling (restricted in 1998), forest recovery by means of single culture plantations, urbanization and suburbanization;

    · DPRK - Tument River Area: industrial felling, irrational agricultural development.

    Priority trends in important ecosystems and habitats conservation:

    · Creation and support of the strategic ecological corridors system;

    · Improvement of the protected areas system, transfer to Econet formation;

    · Conservation and recovery of ecosystems: wetlands, native forests, and coastal wetlands with consideration of the most important habitats’ recovery.

    The most important tool to conserve valuable ecosystems and biodiversity of the considered region is transfer to sustainable development. The existing socio-economic conditions of the region, quality of natural resources and the environment allow switching to sustainable development in the nearest perspective.

    These are:

    · Favorable economic and geographic location, which allows to actively using the transit function;

    · Possibilities to develop industries with strict requirements towards the condition of the environment;

    · Presence of high quality natural resources (for instance resources of coastal zone).


    · Conservation and recovery of the forest and wetland ecosystems’ structure in the areas of Ecological corridors;

    · Impart the nature-protected status to Ecological corridors, primarily to the international ones;

    · Create a coordinated plan of NPA formation as well as the boundary-adjacent NPA coordinated management system;

    · Along with commercial value of forests, consider importance of the created forest ecosystems when defining the forest recovery policy;

    Russian Federation, Southwestern Primorye:

    1. Create a unified NPA in the leopard and tiger habitat on the basis of the existing NPAs, including:

    · Impart the given unified NPA the biosphere status, include it into East Asian network of biosphere reserves;

    · On the first stage the unified NPA in leopard and tiger area (in SWP) is created by the territory structure optimization of Kedrovaya Pad reserve, zakazniks (hunting reserves) Barsovy and Borisovskoye Plateau;

    · On the second stage of the SWP Econet structure optimization, the status of Khasansky Nature Park is improved.

    2. Improvement of NPAs territory arrangement in the leopard area, considering the necessity to form:

    · Ecological corridor, connecting the northern and southern part of Eastern Manchzurian Mountains;

    · Ecological corridor Chernye Gory - Sikhote-Alin.

    3. Creation and implementation of the SWP natural ecosystems’ recovery plan:

    · Creation of fire fighting brigade of non-departmental subordination within the Khasansky District administration;

    · Development of the plan for reconstruction of the low-value plantations into important habitats - broad-leaved and coniferous forests;

    · Start implementing the low-value plantations reconstruction plan;

    · Build a system of fire prevention belts in the territory of SWP;

    · Develop and implement the small-leaved (birch and etc.) plantations harvesting plan with regard to the needs of wild ungulates;

    · Approve the regional standard Act “On responsibility of land users for fire safety in the leopard area”;

    · Conduct the regional fire prevention educational campaign;

    · When processing the formalities for obtaining the land usage rights, sign the additional contract, in which it is necessary to state the following responsibilities of the land user.

    4. Conservation and recovery of the important ecosystems and habitats;

    5. Fire fighting.


    Findings for discussion with stakeholders on the Tumen River Basin Zone


    International working meeting resolution on “Biodiversity Conservation in Northeast Asia”, June 2-3, 27-28; July 28-31, 2001.

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    2001-2007 - Vladivostok